
Petersburg Perovskites – 2024

2nd SPbU Summer School and Conference on Halide Perovskites

The international online summer school and conference is dedicated to the novel photonics material – halide perovskites. At this three-day school, students and young scientists had the opportunity to hear lectures from the world's leading scientists involved in fundamental research on the physics and chemistry of halide perovskites and their low-dimensional analogues, as well as related technologies and their applications in various fields of optoelectronics and photonics. The 1st summer school, held in 2023, brought together leading scientists and students from Russia, China, India, Greece and Oman. The 2nd school washeld online in Zoom on May 15-17, 2024.

Participants had the opportunity to present 15-minute reports on their research in any area of photonics and optoelectronics on the conference. There was no registration fee for participants. The working language of the school was English.

Registration of talks is closed!

If you would like to receive a link to join the Zoom conference as listner, please send the following information to Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.:

  • Full name.
  • Your occupation (student / PhD student / young scientist (up to 35 y.o.) / scientist).
  • Institution and department.
  • E-mail address (the Zoom link will be sent to this e-mail).

If the 12-minutes presentation will be made please provide the abstract using the following template: Abstract_template.doc.

The school was organized by the Photonics of Crystals laboratory of St. Petersburg State University, Russia and supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Megagrant no. 075-15-2022-1112).

Book of abstracts and program

Invited speakers:

  • Zhijun Ning (ShanghaiTech University, China) – Low dimensional tin perovskite
  • Ivan Zhidkov (Ural Federal University, Russia) – Improving hybrid perovskites stability for solar cells application in space via B-site cation engineering
  • Xujie Lu (Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research, China) – Pressure-modulated structure-function motifs in two-dimensional halide perovskites and their carrier behavior
  • Vasilii Belykh (TU Dortmund, Germany) – Coherent spin dynamics of electrons and holes in lead-halide perovskites
  • Dmitry Smirnov (Ioffe Institute, Russia) – The squeezed dark nuclear spin state in lead halide perovskites
  • Jing Zhao (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China) – Reversible mechanically induced photoluminescence changes in hybrid metal halides
  • Andrey Aleshin (Ioffe Institute, Russia) – Multifunctional structures based on organometallic and inorganic perovskites and their composites
  • Weijun Ke (Wuhan University, China) – All-perovskite tandem solar cells
  • Aleksandra Furasova (ITMO University, Russia) – Perovskite solar cells for IoT and IoUT applications
  • Alexey Tarasov (Moscow State University, Russia) – Perovskite solar cells stability improvement via efficient surface/bulk passivation and encapsulation
  • Ioannis Paschos (Westlake University, China) – Strong-coupling utilizing 2D organic-inorganic halide perovskite crystals

School talks:

  • Constantinos Stoumpos (St.Petersburg State University, Russia) – The evolution of perovskites – from CaTiO3 to high-performance semiconductors
  • Petr Tolstoy (St.Petersburg State University, Russia) – NMR of halide perovskites: basic principles and applications
  • Alexei Emeline (St.Petersburg State University, Russia) – Application of the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy to explore optical behavior of halide perovskites: basic approaches, advantages and problems
  • Yury Kapitonov (St.Petersburg State University, Russia) – Excitons in halide perovskites

Program committee:

  • Constantinos Stoumpos, SPbU and University of Crete (Greece)
  • Yury Kapitonov, SPbU
  • Alexei Emeline, SPbU

School secretary:

  • Aleksei Murzin, SPbU (Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.)